Sunday, March 16, 2008

Oops! They Did It Again

Yesterday, it was reported that some employees at the UCLA Medical Center are soon to be fired due to a confidentiality breach. The employees apparently snooped through the medical files concerning Britney Spears's most recent stay at the hospital. Apparently, there is no evidence that any of the employees sold information to tabloids, but they are still in violation of state and federal laws that ensure medical privacy.

While, I realize that Spears certainly puts a lot of herself out there, I still don't think she deserves for her rights to be put into question and I support these actions by the hospital. If you go to the popular tabloid site, X17, you can watch videos of the paparazzi hounding Spears and the mass of people coming at her and yelling things at her is absolutely ridiculous. It is no wonder that it has taken her so long to get back on the right track. These people pretend to care about her by often doing little favors for her, such as bringing her gas, but they also make a living by taping and photographing her in various sad/embarrassing states. While, it has not been reported that the employees of the hospital were attempting to sell their findings to the paparazzi, I can't help but assume that they, too, were invading Spears's life to make some extra cash.

I think it's kind of pathetic that the law can so rarely protect Spears, but I'm happy that in this instance her rights are being kept safe.

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