Monday, March 17, 2008

Couple's Engagement is "Up in the Air"

I can't help but post a link to this story that I just found on Yahoo!News. Apparently, a man in London thought up what he deemed to be the most perfect proposal--to place a $12,000 engagement ring for his girlfriend inside of a helium balloon and then literally "pop the question" by giving her a pin to pop open the balloon. Maybe the man, Lefkos Hajji, should've considered Murphy's Law when he thought up this clever idea, though, for a burst of wind carried his pricey proposal up into the sky as he was walking out of the shop. Now, he is claiming that his angry girlfriend is refusing to talk to him until he buys her a new ring. Wow.

This was all originally reported by The Sun, which I know is not the most credible source, but I think it's a great story to pass along. If indeed this actually happened to Hajji, instead of being a mere publicity stunt, I can't help but feel for the guy. In theory, the idea is sweet and romantic and I certainly have never heard of it before. I also feel, however, that that's $12,000 he'll never see again. The confrontation with his girlfriend must have really been something to hear, too. Can you imagine? "Honey, I was planning to propose, but I put the ring in a balloon and it flew away. It did cost me $12,000, though." It sounds too ridiculous to be true, which when it comes to The Sun I think could be entirely possible.

I repeat, however, if all of this really did go down--that's some tough luck. Better to get that stuff out of the way now, rather than after you're married, though.

I tried my luck with Paint for the above. ^ Sorry about the amateur art work. :D

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