Wednesday, March 26, 2008

And the Pinocchio goes to...

Today in class we watched the latest popular YouTube hit centered on presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. The Huffington Post's RJ Eskow did an excellent blog post about this situation, the most interesting quote of his being the following:

"If they wanted to, the networks could juxtapose video of Sen. Clinton's dramatic recitation of the battle with this clip of that sweet eight-year-old on the tarmac with a bouquet. The question is: Will they want to?"

We've now seen, via the above video link, that that is exactly what has been done. I have to reiterate some of the thoughts from our class discussion. In this technological age of information, why do political candidates keep lying about things that can easily be proven as falsehoods? First, Mitt Romney made outrageous false claims about watching his father march with Martin Luther King, and now this? C'mon, candidates, where are your speech writers? Well, apparently (at least according to The Huffington Post's update above) Hillary's are busy making up proper statements to tidy up this bad situation. Wouldn't it be easier to just prepare moving, honest speeches in the first place, though? Maybe years ago politicians could get away with lying, at least for a fairly extended period of time, but these days the minute one spouts out a lie, people are ready and raring to go to do their research. All I can say is, I hope Obama and McCain can manage to avoid embarassment for the duration of their campaigns, just to leave us voters with some benefit of the doubt.

Anyway, I was on CNN and discovered that Hillary has more than one video circulating around. Below, a Chilean man portrays her in a YouTube parody dubbed "Little Hillary":

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