Monday, February 18, 2008

"Higher" Expectations

I literally laughed out loud while browsing People's website today when I found this article about Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag of MTV's The Hills. Pratt is once again hyping up Montag's future "album", this time spewing out:

"Madonna, eat your heart out. Britney Spears, eat your heart out. I would say we have diamond records coming - they're gonna sell 10-million plus."
Oh, Spencer. Do you really think that anyone buys anything that comes out of your mouth these days? Maybe back when Heidi first announced that she was trying on a pop career for size we all were kind of wondering whether or not she could sort of pull it off. Now that we've all heard and seen what Heidi has to offer, though, I'm pretty sure the speculating is over.

You have to give some credit to this sketchy duo, I guess. It must be tiring when you spend all your time living one huge publicity stunt. I'd like to think that Heidi and Spencer aren't as shallow and fame-obsessed as they seem, but it would help if they did a little on their own to convince me...take a single picture that they aren't blatantly mugging for, perhaps?

In case anyone hasn't caught Heidi's video (oh, you lucky few), here's a clip from VH1's "Best Week Ever" that pairs it up with amusing "Pop Up Video"-like snippets:

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