Sunday, April 13, 2008

There's no crying...scratch that, cursing, in baseball

Obviously couldn't help but read this story on Yahoo! News about a construction worker who attempted to plant a David Ortiz jersey in the new Yankee stadium in an attempt to give the team a taste of what it's like to have a curse riding against you.

Okay. Now maybe it's because I'm currently residing in Boston (I don't really think so because I do hail from NJ anyway), but I find it very funny how serious everyone interviewed in the article seemed to be taking the incident. I'm pretty sure that unless I missed that scientific breakthrough that proved it possible to "curse" something that this was just a practical joke. I know curses are taken quite seriously in baseball, but seriously, the guy planted a jersey in a construction site--not exactly punishable by law.

Or is it? I found the part of the article that spoke of possible criminal charges coming up against this man to be ridiculous. If they find a way to sue him or something because of this, I'm going to lose a little faith in our legal system.

The absolute best part though is the following selection including a quote from Yankees president, Randy Levine:

"Levine said the shirt would be cleaned up and sent to the Jimmy Fund, a charity affiliated with Boston’s Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. 'Hopefully the Jimmy Fund will auction it off and we’ll take the act that was a very, very bad act and turn it into something beautiful,' he said."

Maybe, in kindergarten along with learning how to share and cut with scissors, we should also be taught that cursing (and by cursing, of course, I mean that of the magical variety) is very, very bad. Just to prevent such catastrophes.

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